Arogya Sandhan

A registered society for Health Care and Education for less privileged
16 Years' Dedicated Service To The Society


To manage the affairs of AROGYA SANDHAN SANTOSHPUR (ASS), All General Members in Annual General Meeting shall elect 11 members or more to constitute a GOVERNING BODY for the purpose of managing the affairs of the ASS and to monitor and control Aims and objects of the ASS:
The GOVERNING BODY shall be constituted by not less than 11 members:
a) President
b) Vice President (Project)
c) Vice President (Administration)
d) General Secretary
e) Jt.Secretary(1)
f) Jt. Secretary(2)
g) Treasurer
h) Asstt. Treasurer
THESE MEMBERS shall in turn select amongst themselves the office bearers i.e. President, Vice President, General Secretary,Jt. Secretaries, Treasurer and Asstt. Treasurer. The office–bearers shall continue to hold office so long as they enjoy the confidence of the majority members of the Governing Body
President is the constitutional head of the ASS.
General Secretary is the administrative head
1st fundraising cultural programme
Vice President (Adimn)
Vice-President is to assist the President to discharge his duties. In the absence of the President, Vice-President is to take over office of the president.
Vice President (Project)
Vice President is exclusively to look after the planning and implementation of the project
Two Jt.Secretaries-Jt. Secretary (1) & Jt.Secretary (2)
The Jt. Secretary(1) shall assist the General Secretary in the discharge of his duties and in absence of General Secretary
He shall collect and receive all sorts of donations/grants etc. and deposit the same in the account of the ASS, withdraw and disburse the amount as per day to day requirement of the trust subject to sanction by Board of Governors or the president or the General Secretary as the case may be and issue receipts jointly either with President or General Secretary, maintain and keep Cash Book and such other accounts as are necessary; operate Bank account jointly either with the president or General Secretary;
Asstt. Treasurer
He will assist the Treasurer in discharge of his duties and shall function as treasurer in his absence.
Term of office
The term of the office of the governing body shall ordinarily be for two years unless it is dissolved/terminated early under unforeseen circumstances. After expiry of the term of the existing board and before reconstitution of the new Board, the old governing body will continue to function till the new body takes over charge which shall under no circumstances more than 30 days from the date of election.